Professional Online ealbum, ephoto Album, photo selection and Website Designing solution for photographers and clients. No limit of photo numbers and size, No Downloading, You can see photos of your Memorable Moments and select best photos for album designing and printing. You can also view ePhoto Album, ealbum and Photos in our website PixBook INDIA online on pc, Laptop, Tablate, Android Phone & iPhone.
User Friendly, Simple and professionalwebsite which will reduce the efforts and time every event of your life.
Our service helps you to save your important time for photo selection after every event of your life..
We have implemented measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss.
Display on Android, iPhone, iPad,Laptop Mac and PC View Online Aanywhere on "PixBook" App
Create an eAlbum and view on android Phone, i-Phone, iPad, PC, MAC and Laptop anytime
You can still advertise you business even if you have no room for advertising in your expense budget.
Pixbook, a complete tool for online photo selection. It allows you to make personalized picture galleries for professional use. You can easily access the website and you are all set to make project protected using login credentials.
Similarly, any other user can take the help of friends or known ones to share their feedback on the selected photos. In this way, it saves time for both parties in creating a great album!
There is an option to make folders based on different themes, clients, or other criteria. In this manner, a user can manage even hundreds of pictures by categorizing them into various folders.
Further, the tool allows its users to take out the sharable link and send it to others. A receiver can access that link by opening it on any gadget like a smartphone, tablet or computer. Clients or receivers can view, organize, and select their favorites using it!
Professional photographers highly require safety features in their work! Thus, no one can benefit from the convenience that this tool offers to ease the user’s task. So, anyone can protect the images by adding watermark on every image and every project will have unique url. Thus, by doing this, they can easily share their creations or hard work with anybody, without any chances of misuse.
Our service helps you to save your important time for photo selection after every event of your life.
CEO and Founder